Gaining SEO benefits from Social MediaThe world of online marketing is getting more and more integrated and now more than ever, looking beyond the traditional SEO methods are becoming more and more important.

Gaining SEO benefits from Social Media can add significant value to your SEO efforts. Here are a few pointers to help you when it comes to gaining SEO benefits from Social Media.

1. Social Sharing. There is not much page rank benefits from social sharing but they still make a powerful contribution. When anyone shares your content, the benefit is more visibility on social media platforms, which could increase the possibility of bloggers or other individuals linking back to you.

2. Keyword Optimization. There has been an uptick in people searching social media networks to learn more about brands. They still look towards the traditional search engines to find information but now the search engines can return the social networks in the SERP. Focusing your keyword optimization on your social profiles and even some of your content on social networks – when they are coordinated with the keyword optimization on your website can lead to an increase in brand awareness.

3. Drive traffic. Taking someone by the hand and leading them to where you want them to go (your website for example), gives you some street cred with the Google gods. They appreciate to key factors: You have permission to communicate with the audience member (they are following you on social), and you are serving up content that is recent and relevant. When you post your status update on your social platforms and include a link back to your website, the results are gaining SEO benefits from social media.

Understanding how social platforms can add value to your SEO efforts could help you improve the performance of your SEO campaigns.

e-Merge Online Marketing provides Social Media Marketing, Social Media Management, Social Media Training, Social Media Consulting and Online Marketing Consulting. Contact us to learn how we can help your business succeed.