
It all started with a seismic shift in my career. My time of full-time employment at a non-profit was coming to a close. I had an idea.

While working for the non-profit, I had to do some exploring about social media and I learned one big thing. Online marketing companies didn’t understand business. I did, so now I busted my tail to learn about the wide, wild-world of social media. I did that, too through an opportunity from the State of MN, Department of Economic Development to get smarter in business and certified in all things social media and other elements of online marketing.

Work smarter, not harder.

Entrepreneurs work hard. You work hard. I needed a team that would work smart AND hard for both of us: you and the company.

I brought in Theresa, my wife because we shared a vision. We wanted to do what we do best, what we love, and do it where we love—without compromising our commitment to our clients.

On our team, that means I work on company strategy, new products, processes, and operational implementation.

Theresa and the rest of our team internalize your brand, add creativity and writing expertise, and deliver your story in a targeted social media plan to build awareness, loyalty, and deep relationships.

We’ll let you know how our story continues to unfold.

Dick Fisher, Chief Social Officer

Dick FisherMeet Dick Fisher, Chief Social Officer.

Dick has a very diverse background ranging from info technology to small business owner and business development to working at a non-profit organization helping people who were struggling financially. After throwing all of his different talents in the blender, he discovered that his ability to bring people and technologies together is what stood out the most. Adding a little business and social media marketing education to the equation completed the picture.

On the rare occasion Dick isn’t staring at some sort of a screen, he’s hanging out with friends and family, kicking over red rocks in Sedona, AZ, travelling or, perhaps, you’ll find him brewing up a new beer recipe, watching football or strapping on his tool belt and tackling projects around the house.

Theresa FisherMeet Theresa Fisher, Social Media Wingman.

Theresa’s the Yin to our founder’s Yang. Theresa’s responsibilities and strengths are rooted in creation and inspiration as she manages client relationships and content creation.

You might find Theresa hiking the red rocks in Sedona alongside Dick or spending time with their friends and family. A lover of fitness, yoga, and meditation, Theresa reaches for wisdom and strives to pass it on to others.

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