Does your business offer special deals to your clients? Are you interested in attracting a larger audience by offering specials only available to your Facebook fans? This is something you will want to pat particular attention to and keep your eyes open for!

Facebook recently announced a new posting functionality that allows businesses to post deals to their Timeline for their fans to redeem. Right now, this is being rolled out to a very limited number of Facebook Business Pages, but will eventually be available to most every business pages on Facebook.

Here is a sneak preview of what the process will look like when setting up a Facebook offer:


Each offer contains fields for a Headline, Thumbnail Image, Number of claims, Expiration date, and Terms and Conditions:


  • Headline text: 90 characters
    Terms and conditions text: 900 characters
    Offer image size: 90 x 90 pixels, non-square images will be cropped to a square

You can also select who the target audience is for the Offer:


Once published, fans will then be able to see your Facebook Offer in their newsfeed and on the company  Timeline. By selecting “Get Offer” a prompt will appear letting them know the offer has been sent to the email address associated with their Facebook account.


We will of course do our best to keep on top of this breaking feature and let you know when there is more information available and when it will be available for the general business population!

Stay Tuned …