A large number of business owners will state they get much of their business via referrals and word of mouth.
Considering the over-arching definition of social media centers around referrals and word of mouth, it makes sense that businesses need social media – but they aren’t doing it.
Compared to other online marketing initiatives, social media is relatively inexpensive and the benefits can be significant. It provides a platform for those word of mouth clients to talk about you, your products or services and provides a portal for those they are connected to to see that conversation – about you.
So what are the top three benefits of having a social media presence?
1. Have your fans help build your brand and spread your message.
Assuming you are actually interacting with your audience by sharing some great content about yourself, your company, and perhaps some informational or educational information about all things relevant in you industry. Should someone in your audience notices your updates and decide to engage (Like, Comment or Share), not only do you have a satisfied customer but anyone connected to that person sees the interaction as well and you’ve just tapped into that all important second degree network (the people you don’t know who do know the people you are connected to).
2. Provide an excellent customer service experience.
There’s no “Press 1 for English, Press 2 for something else” on social media. No one has to be tethered to a telephone waiting for existing clients or prospects to reach out. Social media makes it easier to communicate with your clients and prospects in that you can respond to multiple inquiries at the some time, you can all but eliminate playing phone tag and all the conversation that takes places on your page gives you a better reach into more of your audience share. Step up the game by letting your customers know you are online for the purpose of providing customer service.
3. Search engines love social media.
Couple of reasons for this. First, if someone follows you on social media, they’ve given you permission to talk to them. When you talk to them and ask them to visit your website or blog site for example, the search engines smile a little broader because you have permission and higher traffic to your sites – two of the top things search engines look for. Second, search engines read through the social media profiles and if they are written effectively, can help your page ranking . Finally the ongoing activity on your page is visible to the search engines as well – adding daily content and encouraging engagement from your audience gives you a boost in the rankings as well.
Social media marketing is an amazing tool for small businesses. You can use it to create lasting relationships with clients. Great content will entice your audience to engage with you online consistently which will lead to more exposure for your brand.
For more help with Social Media Management, Social Media Marketing or if you just need a Social Media Coach, contact us!
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