Social Media Prospecting

Find Individuals Who Don’t Know You – But Should!

Social media prospecting focuses beyond your existing fans and followers in your networks and more to towards the individuals who may not yet know about you or your business.

In fact, a collection of research out of Stanford University ( shows, “…that innovation and strategic insight flow through these weaker ties that add connectivity to our networks by allowing us to reach out to people we don’t currently know through the people we do.” (Harvard Business Review

The bottom line: The power of your business growth comes from the network of your network. In Social Media Prospecting Training you’ll discover how to tap into the power of secondary networks.

As a participant you will:

  • Establish prospecting goals.

  • Plan to allocate time to prospecting.

  • Explore the process of prospecting on major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more.

As always, our learners leave with resources, tips, and tricks. Expect relevant information delivered in an engaging style — a little laughter goes a long way in learning!